Friday, August 10, 2007 |
A fabulous time was had by all |
I realize it's been a while since I cavorted around eastern PA with my EC sisters and the gorgeous bus, but it did take me time to recover. Thus my tardy post of the TRUTH of what happened in Lancaster, Pottstown and Reading. (If I didn't cover it here, it's a scurrilous rumor. SCURRILOUS, I say!)
First of all, let me say that the hostesses (those wonderful ladies who manage, staff and hand-sell books at the various Borders and Borders Express locations) were the kindness personified. We never ran out of drinks or goodies and shared many a laugh, giggle or snicker with them all. Thank you so much, ladies, and I'm willing to sing at your stores any time.
The EC folks, Brenda and John, are also great fun and took good care of us. They had EC goodies for us to hand out and kept us in the spotlight by placing the attention-getting bus prominently in every parking lot. And when Jennifer Dunne whined about not having a nice EC leather portfolio, Brenda managed to produce one.
Of course, Jennifer promptly let her Peppermint Teenie Poppers melt all over the calculator. We all know Jennifer doesn't stoop to using a calculator, being a mathematician and all. Hmm...but I see here in my notes that simple arithmetic is beyond the four-hour orgasm girl. Does that mean we can't trust her timekeeping, either?
Let's see, what else did I learn about my sister EC authors? The truth, as recorded during the five book signings last weekend.
Cris Anson can't figure out how to cross the street. (Sounds like this limits her street-walking activities, doesn't it?)
Tara never listens to a thing I say. (Why should she be different? If everyone paid attention to my words of wisdom, I'd've long ago solved tribal strife, world hunger and cured the common cold.)
Oh, and pssst, keep this under your hat. Or elsewhere, but out of sight. Cris Anson is an anal freak AND she's always in the wrong place. She went through three pairs of panties during the signings. I have no idea whose they were, other than not mine. ('Nuff said. I ain't goin' there.)
And FINALLY, the ultimate truth about Ann Wesley Hardin. She's not only a viscous gossip, she's the founder of the Wandering Menstruals. I hear the WaMens uploaded an incredibly well-done "man-revenge" video to UTube but it was banned because UTube doesn't permit snuff . Those babes are tough when they're PMSing!
Oh, I almost forgot Lorie O'Clare. The poor darling was with us for only one signing and I hear she's recovering nicely. Get well soon!
Pictures to follow...yes, I documented some of the events.
Hugs to everyone but that liar Ann, Liddy |
posted by Liddy Midnight @ 6:59 AM  |
Hmmmm. I'm a viscous gossip? I guess that ties in with the Wandering Menstruals...or does it just mean my words have more staying power, Miss Liddy?
Yes, according to my notes, you are indeed a viscous gossip. (My interpretation is that your gossip is rather like treacle. So sweet it's hard to swallow, although I hear you have no problem with that. :snork:)
Obviously, this was uttered by someone with a mouth full of those sweets Renee brought. So you see, it's all her fault.
And I'm here to tell you, your words have a lot less staying power than those calories!
No hugs for you!
Seems this swallowing gossip is leaving a lasting impression for Ann.
Perhaps I should have thought to bring something fortified with, ummm... protien for her.
You both live so close I could be persuaded to send along a box or two of something. The caramel apple pie is killer. Just not sure Ann would appreciate it as much as her other ...indulgences!
Liddy, I did send you an email last week, not sure if you got it, or it ended up in spam.
Have a great week ladies, you deserve it! Renee'
Renee, thanks so much for stopping by!
I'll look for your message. I've been on the run so much I haven't had time to clear out all of my new messages.
Hugs to everyone but that liar Ann W. H., Liddy
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Hmmmm. I'm a viscous gossip? I guess that ties in with the Wandering Menstruals...or does it just mean my words have more staying power, Miss Liddy?