Here are a couple of other pix. I just love watching these little guys grow!
This one's easy to spot, because I turned the plant so it's silhouetted against the shadows between the rocks. When they're small, it's a bit of a hunt to find them at all. (The best way is to look for their black droppings.) . . .
This one's on the stem, where I hope you can see it! . . . . . . . . . . , .
These are a lot bigger than that tiny hatchling I posted the other week. There are a few even bigger ones now, which I'll try to catch a glimpse of tomorrow and photograph for you. They're little eating machines, with nothing to do but eat and grow...the bigger ones are most likely the same ones in these pix.
In preparation for moving - getting a house spruced up to put on the market is a lot of work - some of the milkweed was moved to the side of the house. Curb appeal, you know! Ratty 'weeds' aren't on the list of what prospective buyers look for. These are the ones that popped up after the front garden was last weeded. I may move the smaller plants. When the ones out front are eaten up, I'll carry the caterpillars to the new location. I haven't seen any there yet.
Hugs, Liddy |
Hey Liddy, I noticed you are moving. I hope not too far, I was hoping to catch up with you one of these days for a chat.
I am often in that area as I have to keep my son out of the K of P mall. His college is too close to the Plaza for comfort.
Take care, from your friendly "sweet" stalker Renee'